Sunday, January 6, 2008

Twenty-Seven Months

Dear Patrick,

You have had quite an exciting month this last month. Of course, the biggest event was your third Christmas. How could it possibly be your third Christmas already? I still remember that first Christmas so vividly, how tiny you still were and oblivious to all the commotion around you. But you gave me one of the best Christmas presents that year by sleeping mostly through the night for the first time while we were in Dallas.
This year was totally different. We had several stops on our Christmas trip, and you were a trooper everywhere we went. You've gotten really good at travelling. You much prefer the stops, though. How on earth did you get to be so social? All the people around really brought out the goofy in you. You played hard every day and slept hard every night and charmed every person you ran across in between.
I had fun watching how into Christmas you got this year. You caught on to the idea of unwrapping presents really quickly but were good to only unwrap those we gave you. You were also eager to hand presents to other people, whether or not they were intended for those people. I think you were just as excited to see what they would get as you were about your own presents. And your daddy in particular loved watching you fastidiously clean up all the wrapping paper as each gift was opened. Where were you during all those Christmases past when we had a wrapping paper mountain to clean up when the festivities were over?
Unfortunately, the day after we got home from the trip, you were struck by a runny nose that turned into a full-blown cold--your first illness ever. You've been so well trained that you were eager to share that illness with the whole family. The one time I wish you'd be selfish...
It's been interesting to see how your personality changes when you don't feel good. For a few days, I had the cuddly boy from your early months back. You really just wanted to be held much of the time, leaning your head into either me or Daddy for that extra comfort. Even now that you're feeling much better, you still want cuddles like that from time to time. I love that change.
You also get quite whiny when you're sick, though. I guess that's to be expected; you are only two, after all, and this is the first time you've really felt bad. I shouldn't expect you to be able to handle it yet. The funniest is when you come up to me whining because your nose is running and you need me to wipe it. You've already tried wiping it with your hand, though, and the snot on your hand is even more annoying to you than the snot on your face. I'm thrilled that you're starting to get the hang of wiping your nose already as I don't particularly enjoy this snotty job I've had to do over the past week. You even throw the tissue in the trash (towuh) when you're done with it.
Now Nathan has the cold the worst, now that you're mostly recovered from it. (Thank goodness I seem to be on the road to recovery now too, since Nathan is even more uncomfortable than you were and seems intent on keeping me from sleeping.) His discomfort has brought out the compassionate side in you. More than once in response to his crying you have attempted to wipe his face, thinking I'm sure that he's fussing because of a snotty nose and face like you've been doing for days. You also crawl up with me in the chair when I'm holding Nathan. I don't know whether that's for the bonding time with me or so that you can help me calm Nathan. You enjoy playing with his snaps or my belly button, which cracks me up and in turn usually relaxes all of us, even Nathan, so I guess you are helping.
More and more I'm realizing what a big boy you are. You are so independent unless you don't feel good. You're even a big help around the house and love to be a big helper. If only I could tame those terrible twos temper tantrums, which I haven't seen many of lately, you would always be a joy to be around. As it is, Daddy and I are usually able to overlook those moments and focus on the sweet you that we get to see more often.
Did you know that after you go to bed at night, Daddy and I go back over the day with you and comment on all the cute things you did? Did you know that we talk in Patrick-talk to each other when you're not around? You do so many things that make us smile. I don't know that I have ever truly conveyed to you what a joy you are, what a blessing you are to our family. I hope some day you will read these letters and discover for yourself what you mean to us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kathy, I think this 27 month letter is the sweetest one you have written so far. I was just thinking about how much Patrick has enriched all our lives. He is just a blessing. Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon.