Wednesday, January 16, 2008

More Cute Stories

Patrick now says, "bear," too. He picked up a small stuffed bear he had never seen before and immediately said, "bay-ah." Either he's really working on those language skills, or I've finally started learning to translate toddler language.

He's also been super sweet for me lately. Today we had very few tantrums, and he worked to entertain me and his brother all day long. I have some great pictures of the boots for you, coming soon I hope. And remember that he still has this odd aversion to pants right that mental picture? We'll have to see if the picture meets expectations in the next couple of days.

The cutest thing he did for Nathan today was walk up to where I had him lying on the floor next to me and start petting his head. It was really gentle and sweet, just another way to show him attention without playing with the snaps on his outfit.

I know this one is random, but he really, really, really loves animals right now. He might just take after his uncle Daniel with this one. Have any of you seen that ASPCA commercial they play on a lot of cable channels with Sarah MacLaughlan (sorry for the awful spelling--I don't feel like looking it up)? They show lots of picture of cats (kitty cats) and dogs (doggies) that have been rescued. Patrick watches the whole thing avidly, squealing at each new picture of a cat or dog. I'm guessing that when Nathan's a bit older, we'll have to try the dog thing again. Patrick's too much of an animal lover to not have a pet.

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