Saturday, January 26, 2008

Four-Month Check-Up

I'm sorry I didn't write about Nathan's four-month check-up yesterday when we got home. We were all exhausted from the outing and chose to be lazy instead.

The appointment went well, though. Nathan is gaining weight impressively, up to 15 lb, 2 oz. It's pretty much right on track with his previous weight gain. His length yesterday was 23 1/2 inches, which is inconsistent with past measurements, but he kept curling funny when the nurse was measuring him. She agreed it's probably not an accurate measurement, but it was the best she could do yesterday.

The doctor said he was doing great. He looks perfect and is strong for his age. He has no concerns at all about him. We discussed starting solids soon, and then Nathan got his shots. He actually didn't notice the first one at all, and he didn't cry until the last one. That's some high pain tolerance! He's doing fine still today, with no reactions to the shots at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's one tough baby! I'm glad the checkup went so well. Thanks for the update.