Friday, January 18, 2008

Nathan Gets a Nickname

Once upon a time there was a boy named Patrick with a baby brother names Nathan. Patrick basically ignored his baby brother the first few months he was alive. But very slowly, he started showing his brother attention.

He started by poking at the snaps and buttons on his brother's clothes. Patrick would unsnap and attempt to snap back the many snaps found on Nathan's sleepers and other outfits. Nathan was his personal baby to dress and undress (if only he knew his mommy sometimes thought the same way).

Then Patrick realized that if he showed the squirmy thing inside the clothes attention, Mommy and Daddy gave him special attention too. So he started booping Nathan on the nose and petting him on the head, games which he thoroughly enjoyed for the reactions they drew from his parents.

One day, Patrick took it one step farther by doing something his mommy had been waiting months to happen: He showed his natural compassion to his brother. He attempted to calm his brother while he was crying by repeating, "It's okay, it's okay," mere inches away from Natha's face.

Amazingly, Nathan calmed down enough for Mommy to hear the sweetest thing yet from her sweet Patrick. Patrick gave Nathan his first nickname. "It's okay, Gaga. It's okay."

And this will be the nickname that will haunt both of them in high school when Mommy insists on repeating the story to every girl they bring home: Gaga.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You two have taught him well, so he knows how to show care to his baby brother. I guess he really does love Nathan!