Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Some Giggles

Here are a few of the recent Patrick stories:

--I was holding Nathan while standing up as it was the only way to keep him happy at the time. I was about to set him down to see if he would be content that way, so I pulled the Bumbo into the living room. Apparently I was taking too long, though, because after a couple of seconds, Patrick walked up to me and held his hands up, similarly to when he wants held. He didn't want held, though; he was asking for Nathan so that he could set him in the Bumbo for me. I'm not sure whether it's sweet that he wants to take care of his brother or kind of mean because he wanted my attention instead of letting me give it to his brother.

--Speaking of the Bumbo, Patrick can now say Bumbo ("bubo"), at least repeating me. It's adorable to hear, one of my favorite words he says.

--He also says "choo-choo." I think trains are becoming his favorite form of transportation; he's always ready for me to read a choo-choo book to him or play with one of his train toys. This is a word he will say without prompting, not just repeating me.

--He still has a great sense of humor and is able to sense when I need a bit of comic relief. Today for instance, Nathan was crying (which he did most of the day) and I was getting frustrated. All of a sudden, Patrick walks around the corner in just his onesie, his pants discarded somewhere behind him, and sporting those awesome camo boots. The whole outfit was so hilarious that it no longer mattered that Nathan was upset--at least for a minute or so. Too bad I didn't get a chance to snap a picture of the ensemble before he took the boots back off.

--Patrick has learned how to take pants off. I suspect I won't have too many pictures of him in the near future with pants on because he insists on taking them off as soon as possible. It's a good step in readiness for potty training, but I'm looking forward to the day he learns how to put them back on too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What great stories, and just think -- that's just "normal" for your day. :)

Patrick is growing into such a helper!