Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Two Check-Ups

Today we had check-ups for both boys. This was my first outing alone with the two of them, and I'm proud to say I survived. It was not without its mishaps, but they have more to do with having two kids who both need to be confined to either a stroller or infant chair while en route to the final destination. Ever try carrying an infant chair while pushing a stroller? It's not as easy as it looks, and trust me when I say it doesn't even look easy. Fortunately both boys were on their best behavior (until we were leaving and Nathan got hungry).

Okay, on to what the doctor said. Patrick was there a few days early for his two-year check-up. (Two years?! It still doesn't sound right to me.) He weighed in--on the big boy scale--at 21.8 pounds and is now 31 inches tall. Both are still remarkably small for his age but are big leaps based on his growth pattern over the past two years. In other words, the doctor was quite happy with his physical progress. He is also right on par developmentally, which was a relief to hear.

The funniest part was watching Patrick with the doctor. He recognized him for the grandfatherly type that he is and adopted him as part of the family right away. He was bringing him toys to play with and didn't resist at all to the poking and prodding. I think he kind of liked the attention. The doctor was thoroughly impressed with that, saying that most two-year-olds hate even being at the doctor's office.

Nathan's part of the appointment was even easier. He needed a routine blood check, which he naturally screamed through. Fortunately he's still at that age where he forgets pain quickly, and he stopped crying just a few minutes later. The most interesting part of his appointment was when they did his weight check. If you remember, he was born at 8 lbs, 2 oz and dropped to 7 lbs, 10 oz by his appointment last Tuesday. He weighed in at 8 lbs, 11 oz today. That's up a full pound in about a week. Yeah, I doubt we'll have too much trouble keeping him on the charts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like all went well yesterday. I'm afraid Nathan will be "grown" before I see him and Patrick won't remember me. I hope one day soon you will be able to get both the boys in a picture. I sure miss all of you!