Monday, October 29, 2007

House of Chaos

I'm sorry for not posting for a few days. I have a good reason, I promise. My arms have rarely been empty for the last three or four days. Nathan has started having what I like to call meltdowns. He cries loudly for no obvious reason, and it takes every trick in the book to calm him back down. It can happen once a day or every few hours all day long. Holding him seems to prevent them from happening as often, so I do so every chance I get. That makes for little computer time, though.

We'll see the doctor for his one-month appointment on Thursday, and I'll mention it then if it doesn't get better before then. We've decided it might just be bad gas, but we don't know what to do to really help that. And sometimes it doesn't make sense for it to be gas, so we're looking into other possibilities too. I'm hoping that it's somehow related to his sudden dropping of one overnight feeding last night. Maybe he was fussing in preparation for this big step. I vaguely remember Patrick doing that sometimes, so I'm holding out hope that Nathan is doing the same.

Anyway, if things don't improve soon, posting may be sporadic for some time, whenever I can find a few moments to write a quick something before he starts crying again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate to hear that Nathan is having trouble, maybe it will be short lived. I hate that he hasn't met his other set of Grandparents, hope it will be soon that we get to see all of you. Love to all