Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Patrick the Magician

Patrick threw me for a loop last night. I was doing his nightly diaper change and changing him into pj's. I stripped off all his clothes and then went to open his diaper. I was quite surprised to see what greeted me in that open diaper. Nope, it's not what you think. Sitting there nice and toasty on his lower belly, right under the tightest part of the diaper, was a goldfish.

As if that's not funny enough, here's what he was wearing yesterday...a onesie with jeans over it. Now I could see him dropping one into his pants during snacktime, on purpose or not, but how exactly did he manage to get one all the way into his diaper without access to said diaper? And even if he dropped it down the neck of the onesie, that's a miracle shot to catch it in his diaper, far enough down to make it under the tightest part of the diaper. I'm starting to think the more likely answer is that Patrick is studying from the world's greatest illusionists in his spare time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what talent! He may have a career already mapped out. :)