Monday, November 5, 2007

One-Month Check-Up

Last Thursday, Nathan had his one-month check-up. We left for Dallas from the doctor, so I haven't had a chance to write anything about it yet. Of course, he's perfectly healthy. He's also growing like a weed. He's up to 10 lbs, 12 oz already, which is up over 2 and a half pounds from birth--in just over five weeks. He's also up to 22 inches now, a gain of three inches (although we suspect his birth length was inaccurate). Both fall within the 70th percentile. How weird is that? Nathan actually falls on the chart! And above average even! What a change from what we got used to with Patrick.

The only issue is a nasty diaper rash that we haven't been able to get rid of with normal diaper rash cream. The doctor explained to us what might cause it, but I don't remember exactly what it was anymore, just that it was kind of gross--and painful sounding. He prescribed something different to try, which we were just able to get filled tonight. Hopefully that will start working soon. Other than that, Nathan is perfectly healthy. Next month we start his vaccinations. That should be fun.

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