Friday, November 30, 2007

Grins and Giggles

Despite his shots yesterday, Nathan has kept his generally happy disposition. There were a few fussy moments this morning when he was particularly gassy, but otherwise he's been in a great mood.

That great mood turned into something even better a little while ago, too, just after Matt got home for lunch. Nathan kept smiling at me from his bouncer chair, and rather than grab the camera, I just smiled back at him. I was certainly rewarded. For the first time ever, he started giggling at me. (For the record, he giggled once last week, but it wasn't at me, although I did get to witness it.) I've got to tell you, that's the best sound in the entire world. I felt so special to be the recipient of those sweet and rare laughs. I do believe those fleeting moments have made my whole day. And even better, Matt got to witness it as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't think of a sweeter sound than a baby's giggles!