Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Best Milestone EVER

I have Thanksgiving pictures coming, I promise. I just have so many I want to post that the task seems kind of overwhelming at the moment. Maybe I'll do the first post tonight, if I can find the motivation.

At least Nathan finally hit the absolutely best milestone last night: he slept through the night. He ate at 7:00 and didn't wake up again to eat until 5:00 in the morning. It would have been nice if I'd taken advantage of those ten straight hours to sleep, but I couldn't quite go to sleep at 7:00. Still, five hours straight is pretty good, especially when he'd regressed to eating every three to four hours all night over the past few days. It's even better when you add that he slept another five hours without eating after the ten. For the first morning in months, I feel rested. I'm just hoping last night wasn't a fluke. If so, at least I'll be more prepared to handle the next few days until he can pull it off again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Sleep is good. :)