Wednesday, April 9, 2008


We didn't do much for St. Patrick's Day other than wear green, but I did make sure to take a picture of Nathan wearing his special bib for the occasion.
Easter was a much bigger event at our house. For the first time, we held an egg hunt for Patrick. He figured out what to do pretty quickly and got excited about every single egg he found.
Naturally he was even more excited about the jelly beans inside them and kept pouring them out in the grass. Eventually we convinced him to just gather the eggs and emptied all the jelly beans we managed to save out of the eggs when we got back inside. Once he tasted them, he figured out how to say "jelly bean" really fast.
Nathan slept through all the festivities, but that's fine since I don't think he would have gotten much out of it anyway.

When he woke up, though, I got a picture of Nathan with "his" Easter basket (one that Patrick has had in years past and no longer needs). The eggs were empty, but he had lots of fun playing anyway.
Then Patrick hopped up and let me get a rare picture of both boys on a special occasion.
Nana and Grandpa sent Nathan a special bib for Easter as well, so I had to take a picture of him wearing that too.
He started hamming it up while I had the camera out, too, so I leave you with Nathan showing off for all of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great as usual, I just have to smile when I see Patrick with those boots on.