Friday, April 25, 2008

He Cracks Me Up

Thank goodness. Patrick seems to have made a complete recovery from the horrific toe injury. He woke up this morning having forgotten all about the boo-boo.

He still hobbled around most of the day yesterday, though. Matt got to see it when he got home from work, and we just about collapsed in giggles watching him limp with such exaggeration, only using the heel of that foot. I'm laughing again now just remembering.

Then he got hyper, which is inevitable these days, and forgot to limp as he walked. If I hadn't already suspected he was just fine, that proved it. I'm glad he pulled through it; it was rough there for a while (*rolling my eyes*).


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear it wasn't a permanant injury!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great stories! I can really visualize the limp -- oh, wait! I think I've seen that somewhere before! :)