Saturday, December 1, 2007

More Pics with the New Camera

I have the horrible task of experimenting with the new camera to explore all its options and learn how best to use it to take the best pictures. I have to admit that despite my ignorance, I'm still taking better pictures. It's been ages since I've gotten pictures like these of Patrick, especially more than one in a day. I wonder how they'll turn out when I have a clue what I'm doing!


Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures you have taken with your new camera. What I like the best is more pictures of my Grandsons!!!

Anonymous said...

The pics are great! What kind of camera is it? I've been looking at new ones too. Wish we could see y'all in person but this is definitely the next best thing.

Unknown said...

The pictures you are taking are awesome!!!! Enjoy the new camera!