Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Six-Month Check-Up

Really, there's not much to report. Nathan's six-month check-up today was short, sweet, and to the point--actually, three for Nathan. He got three more vaccines, which he wasn't particularly fond of. At least I got to see Patrick comfort his brother again. (He now says, "You're okay," instead of "It's okay." We've never told Patrick, "You're okay," so that shows a good mastery of pronouns, a fact I'm obviously quite proud of.)

Other than the traumatic shots, the appointment was easy. Nathan's fine and still growing well. He weighed less than I expected at only 16 lbs and 13 oz. He's been weighing at 17 1/2 at home, which I think is closer to reality. Either way, the doctor isn't worried. He said one big poop could explain the difference between the two. If you're keeping up with the stats, his height is 25 1/2 in (more accurate than last time) and his head circumference is 17 1/2 in.

I guess that's it. The appointment was very routine. We'll be back in three months, barring any illnesses between now and then.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. It sounds like he's growing and healthy.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear the news about Nathan. Enjoyed our visiting everyone on Spring Break, seeing the boys was the highlight of Spring Break.